Saturday, January 4, 2020

Self-Analysis of Leadership Abilities Free Essay Example, 1250 words

The results of the test indicated that I have a team leadership style. I do believe that both people and tasks are important in the accomplishment of any task. Where some leaders would be focused on the accomplishment of a task – disregarding the effect of their leadership skills on their employees – others would be on the opposite end, as they focus on taking care and interacting with their people. However, in the true leadership sense, I believe that it is possible to achieve a leadership which takes care of the people and the tasks to be done. It is possible to get a job or a task done efficiently and even quickly while still taking care of the employees – interacting with them, and ensuring an open and trusting relationship with them. Strengths and weaknesses The results also indicate that my participative skills are strong, that I allow the employees to participate in the major decisions in the company and in allowing them to participate in deciding the direction of their work. A greater degree of participation in the workplace by the employees allows the employees to have a greater sense of responsibility over their tasks and in what the company, as a whole, can achieve. We will write a custom essay sample on Self-Analysis of Leadership Abilities or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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